by on February 15, 2022

I've found this to give me extremely fast xp per hour. It's definitely faster than slayer, and best of RS Gold all there are no bots! Does salve have a quest req? Piety is 12mil away.The ideal option is Chiv, since my current balance of cash is 11m, and its never in my account (always stored in ge increasing) as well as the rest of the 12mil I have is in items.

Fury has a 2+ str to glory, which caused me to laugh.I dont rlly need tht extra defas I have over 300+ def in my current equipment. Sry miscalcd the pray drain. Alrdy are a formidable group with Bandos im the lowest player, but its lootshare so im an excellent l0l)

It's my opinion that you must haunt mine for the salve amulet. However the reward is worth it. It's a fairly easy quest and it's not too long. That gives you the normal salve amulet that gives 15% to attack and strength against undead. You then take it to Tarns lair , and you can enchant it in the form of the salve (e) which provides 20% attack power and strength.

I'd recommend piety as soon as you can, you can purchase dragon bone cheap right now as well as the price of infernal ashes. They're generally a little cheaper. Banking the any dragon bones you get as well as obtaining urns for demon projects, and using penguin points, effigy lamps and troll invasion rewards on prayer could help to level up a bit.

Additionally you must get Amulet of Glory Obsidian's Cape (or fire cape, which needs u to OSRS Items defeat Jad) and a Regen bracelet (or runeand gloves from RDF) dragon boots, and an aura sign on to the members loyalty program if you haven't alrdy and start earning points that you can use to buy the auras.

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Topics: runescape
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