by on January 27, 2022

Similar to what they've said, fighter torso is an ideal option and you can put it to OSRS Gold For Sale use as of right now if to get it. Regarding legs, I personally like Verac's skirt because of its prayer benefits (and masculinity). 

Even if you don't plan to pray for the entire task then you could take advantage of the base prayer points for like superhuman strength (+10 percent strength for the initial part of your task is pretty amazing) and the bonus prayer makes it even more effective.

In regards to the super sets strong and super-attack are a must for any task, but super defenses you might want to have in your arsenal if discover that you're hit a lot on one specific task. In all cases, super defenses are very inexpensive compared to the other and the only thing that is wrong their use of up inventory space.

Another thing you must pick up is the DDS for your chosen weapon (if you didn't already). It's cheap and also comes with a powerful offensive option that can accelerate your work (if there's anything that makes you feel better after two great stacked hits). 

If you intend to kill the majority of your opponents, make an effort to RS 2007 Accounts complete the Hard Seer's Village diary and the Enhanced Excalibur is a fantastic healing spec weapon (+200 pounds every 5 minutes is nothing to sneer at). It's not without its requirements but it's worth the cost.

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Topics: runescape
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