by on January 22, 2022

I'd also suggest working to improve your stats. This is not just combat, but capabilities as well RS Gold 2007. Because time is wasted when a keyer is opening the door and realizes you're required to cut vines , but you're not at the skills required, and it is necessary to ask someone to come do this door.

Sometimes they forget an instrument. It also means they are not able to use it. To combat the part of the equation. I'm talking about mostly Strength/Defence. The only strength you need is for the force bar doors or any other room which require this skill. Also, Defence so that you can have better armor/tanks for more monsters.

Also, you must realize taking time to get skilled at this as each dungeon will be different so it requires different strategies for dealing with it. With the recent update, I think it may even be easier than it was previously. If you're able to find unhooded teams of 125+ w/ 90+ Dungeoneering conducting occult floors, then that will help. Before you'd have to settle with the team that was performing say floor 38. Just because that was the only floor you had left.

I'm sure my Dungeoneering skills are lower than yours/you could probably have a faster keying speed than I do, however I believe this is a great idea and does make sense. There are many other aspects that can be done to make keying easier, like locking doors or keeping the ggs in and on. However, it takes long time, and I'm sure when you continue to work on it , you'll get it.

Yeah choccy i know that but thanks for your help anyway, and the reason why I key is for to be able to locate teams easily on 148 without combat bias RS Gold Buy. If I had 130+, i'd quit keying when I reach 3bo (unless everyone is really keying and everyone agrees that i should key)

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