by on December 4, 2018

What happened to reward based on merit? Making the process easier was a step in the right path, Maplestory 2 Mesos I feel like it is putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound. It's already easy enough to reach 2mil range without spendingas long as you've got an ounce of merching skill and fundamental common sense.

The actual problem that has to be addressed is raising the problem of reaching endgame status for men and women who pay, so that random people do not attain 2mil scope in the situation of days simply by emptying their pockets and then proceed to add to a limitless source of end game equipment, a happening I see too frequently these days.

As noted above, I can't solo Chaos Vellum, therefore these mesos could be utilised to finance my main character farther, or even my next main.Moreover, for me , which makes mesos is the essence of the game, because it's the most effective means to obtain progress in this game (farming in certain events also functions, but can be boring and time consuming).

If I am not making mesos or other kinds of currency, I honestly feel like I am doing nothing. And as stated above, because boss runs won't fulfill my desire for mesos, when I had 50k range, like I had been doing I still need to merch.

The principal thing is that I no longer have hours to play everyday, and if finish game supervisors made me a sufficient number of mesos, I really could stop merching completely and only login every Thursday to kill the supervisors, and normally enjoy a more pleasurable gaming experience.

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