by on May 31, 2023

Other reveals within the Diablo 4 alpha's menus are less clear regarding whether they're finalized features or not. For example, there's a look at Diablo 4's character creation system, but it may just be a portion of what will be available. The four menus shown for Diablo 4 character creation include "Face & Body," "Hair," "Accessories," and, "Color." These options are what's shown after choosing the masculine Barbarian.

Two other interesting features seen in the Diablo 4 alpha's menus include an optional tutorial and a difficulty menu. The tutorial offers the player two options, "More Guidance" and "Less Guidance." More Guidance will offer the player in-depth tutorials and is recommended for new Diablo players. Less Guidance will only offer "minimal" direction and only for new Diablo 4 features.

The difficulty options are intriguing, to say the least. Two difficulty options are provided for the player once they're done creating their character. There's "Adventurer - World Tier 1" and "Veteran - World Tier 2." The first is recommended for new players and those who want a light challenge. Enemies are noted as easy to defeat, while loot rewards are "average."

Veteran difficulty is for a challenge and grants not just better loot drops, but also increased XP and gold. Diablo games typically feature at least three difficulties: Normal, Nightmare, and Hell. Diablo 3 then added Inferno, and later 13 tiers of Torment. It's possible, or even likely, that more difficulties will be available upon campaign completion in Diablo 4.

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