by on June 7, 2022


Bail Out - Passing from the layup NBA 2K22 MT or jump shot yields fewer errant passes than normal. Also, it aids in the passing out from double teams within NBA 2k22. Bullet Passer - Accelerates how quickly a player takes rid of the ball, as well as the speed at which they pass.

Clamps - Defenders have access to quicker cut-off moves and have greater success when hitting or riding the ball's handler. Rim Protector: Improves the ability of the player to block shots, decreases the risk of being caught in the crosshairs, and lets you access special block animations.

Worm is when it is boxed out. rebounders have more success being active and in the position of a rebound with success. At-risk players have less success shooting when they are surrounded by those with this badge. It also increases shot defense scores when blocking an opponent.

Finding the right combination of badges depends on the player's build and appearance. The combination of these badges will ensure that the player has the highest possibility of winning on basketball in NBA 2k22.

NBA 2K22 New Glitched Series Features 3 New Dark Matter Units

NBA 2K22 releases a new series NBA2king titled Glitched. It features the NBA's past and current greats with the added benefit of having some of their stats boosted. With just one game left within the NBA Playoffs.


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