by on January 19, 2022

The most notable being the addition of the City on the latest systems. Gamers on older systems will be playing in the Neighborhood and aboard the Cancha Del Mar Cruise Ship instead of navigating around the city.

The City offers a huge playing area that players can take their time exploring. This new area has many possibilities for players to connect with NPCs or accomplish side quests, and maybe even get a penthouse with a view of the city. With the arrival of an open, vast area like the City it is the need to unlock points of spawn. In doing this, you will be able to enjoy an easier navigation process and quicker completion.

Players can utilize Spawning points to begin game in a particular area of the city. The capability to unlock them will commence when the side-quest Unlock Spawn Point becomes available. There are a total of 7 spawn points for players to choose from.

All of the points to spawn are unlocked simultaneously when the side quest has been completed. Players must run a set distance across the city to complete the quest. The setting of the spawning point can be done on your City map by choosing the desired area of spawning and then confirming it.

There is an Unlock Spawn Points side quest is offered by ATM which is an NPC found in the city, and requires players to run 26.2 miles. The run must be completed by foot, and using the BMX skateboard, skateboard and rollerblades will not add to the total amount traveled. The person must be running and not walking. While tracking the quest, you'll see an indicator for progress on left edge of the display so that players are able to see how far they've run.

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