by on November 30, 2021

Kill the Demon and then go to the Tavelry Stone Circle. A second Cutscene will be shown. Take this foolish druids!Salen Kills all the druids, and Pikkupstix disappears. You cannot stop me! Salen dumps the Tainted Salve water on the Altar Of Guthix and transforms into an Level 198 Druidic Demon.

Max Hit Attack Demon-Salen to easily get a 68 on you. Protect from Melee reduces his maximum blow to 20-25. Kill Demon-Salen, and he will drop Tainted Unholy Bones. Head to the Temple of Zamorak, near the Wilderness Edge, and bury the body there.

I am extremely impressed by my proselyte armor. However, I think it is high time to introduce the Temple Knight rank to be made available. In my opinion, you would have to complete a quest, as well as a miniquest, in whatever order you want. The miniquest will be discussed in this thread first. I will do the quest later. To complete the miniquest, you have to do 3 missions with the Temple Knights. Each of the five missions, you'll receive small rewards in cash or exp.

The mission 1 is to find the assassin. You'll be taken to Burthorpe to search for Prince Anlaf's suspected assassin. There is more at stake than one life. This is the heart of a power battle between White Knights, Imperial Guard. 

You'll need silver bars as well as a hammer as well as some ranging gear to complete this mission. Begin by speaking to Prince Anlaf's assistant. He'll suggest you attend the prince's dinner to talk to him. You are to taste the food of his servant to ensure that it's not poisoned.

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