by on September 24, 2021

I've been looking around the forum and found it amusing. I find it hilarious how many members appear to be f2pers, and ask for free stuff. It makes us look bad and they shouldn't have the right to make posts RuneScape Gold. I'll take away their primary arguments. F2pers are always looking for new items. We realize this when we reach the level of 72 in all of our skills. Posts that are made from this point will only be spam to make F2pers look ugly. They'll spam. Yes, and the posts like "GIVE ME BACK MY SWARD" aren't.

F2pers should be thrown into hell. Yes... God, you should! There's nothing to lose. A year in our lives doesn't mean much compared to 6$. Again, I don't intend this to go to any Sal member, and if you do do this, look back at how foolish you sound.

Significant paradigm shifts have occurred within Runescape since I quit the game just after WGS was launched. There is a change in the way skill leveling is well-balanced. This is evident in bonuses exp items such as Ancient Effigies or Penance Horn.

The initial 65 levels of a skill were considered to be accessible. Endgame quests such as Mourning’s End PII required levels of about 60. Although these levels aren't required to complete endgame content Buy OSRS Fire Cape, they can be done in limited ways by those who have reached the highest level.

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