by on July 19, 2021

Let them enjoy themselves. Hreidmar you and your men are responsible for the other intruders. I'll take care of your name myself. You must now fight Wyvoch once more. He is able to use magic and melee at the same time. The prayer you make is, as before, only the beginning of your refuge. Half health will take you to a location far away in Dorgeshkan where Zanik recovers and needs you to help him out. Another scene shows the Red Axe Co being fought by several White Knights.

Chaos Dwarves. In the present situation and now Wyvoch will begin using an attack with a range that could explode into dragonfire, along with his other attacks. It is advised to have an Antidragon shield as well as Dragonfire Shield. If his health is exhausted instead of dying, he will teleport. When you see the bar of kin turn completely red, that is the way they'll act. You'll find things they left behind, similar to when they were killed.

Climb the ladder in the temple, then jump from the window onto the ledge, then follow the path up to the mountaintop. There you will find Lucien attempting to achieve godhood by getting Seren's power. He'll begin to stumble, however. 

It will be the conclusion that by mixing the power of Armadyl and his own, he ultimately diminished himself, since his power is evil, and Armadyl is good. Lucine will not believe it until he's down on his knees. He realises that he needs to eliminate the staff at Armadyl and then he tells you"Better. You're welcome! Then, tell me you're not willing to let me walk.

You will just find another way of gaining the power. It's not a problem. The power I have will not end my life. I'm able to cause a lot of damage... Fine. I'll take my word for it. If you have the staff, you can walk. We have agreed to a deal. There's a catch. Catch. This is it? How useful you have been, Lucien. But not anymore.

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