Candice Accola
by on December 28, 2018

Edit Holy shit thanks listening, now can Ranged be looked into, In my eyes this update was cheap runescape gold way more on the convenient side than overpowered.When I came back to EoC in late 2013 after playing a lot of League of Legends I found my comfort in QWER and utilizing the 4 F keys, 1234, ASDF, and ZXCV.

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Edit 3: Air surge + vulnerability runes (Air + Chaos + Soul) are the bread and butter of utilizing mage decently. With weapon diversity on the horizon, elemental normal spells will be utilized in different situations so unless Jagex wants to finally make the water, earth, and fire runes use only their respective runes without air runes then they should not revert it.

Not to be rude but I don know what PvM you doing that constitutes BoB being "considered broken" since they in essence come at the cost of slower kills since you are opting out of Nihils or the Steel titan which are used in high any level PvM. BoB are for mostly for convenience nowadays, like the last time you could say they were even close to "OP" was when Nex was released in 2011 and the entry bar was literally set

Are you actually fucking kidding me? This is the nicest thing we have gotten after weeks of NO FUCKING UPDATES. Whoever you had said discussion with has me convinced they have no idea what the game needs. It as if the person responsible for balancing the game is always reluctant to implement nice things such as this, and I feel like we been in this situation before.

Maybe actually take some advice from the OSRS team about LISTENING TO PLAYER FEEDBACK and reconsider going back to original functionality. There nothing OP about convenience. I sorry but fuck whatever discussion you guys had and actually look to give rangers this much needed QoL as "96+ summoning requirement" to join teams or setting up a tent at the god wars 1 bosses.

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